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Thursday 26 August 2010

A dream site for photographers

Hey all. On my travels, i've discovered an excellent site for would be photographers to earn some money from their shots (or artists earning from their paintings). It is called Redbubble, and i've recently started an account with them.

Basically, if you think your digital shots are worth showcasing and earning a bit of money from them, you can upload and sell your photographs on this site. They take care of all the printing and delivery. You just set the markup price and upload your shots.

Take a look at Redbubble here.

You also have an opportunity to showcase your work through any websites or blogs that you may have. As an example, you may view my products through a widget bellow.

Basically, anyone can purchase your products in the form of postcards, canvasses, prints, posters, etc. They pay the base value + the markup (your take home pay).
If you want to purchase your prints, you just pay the base value.

If you would like to know what the prints turn out like, Redbubble has added a buyer's booth. Individuals who have purchased and liked the products upload the images. Worth checking out.

So far, everything looks interesting and is an excellent idea. Let me know your thoughts.