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Tuesday 11 January 2011

How to integrate Google Analytics into Blogger

Info for fellow bloggers

I wanted to share with you a very valuable tip that I've just learned from a Blog post that I've just read. It was entitled "Installing Google Analytics in Blogger."

 Google Analytics is very useful in tracking and recording web traffic (For those who haven't come across this software yet, head on down to Google and check it out! [for more information about the software, check out the help centre here]). 
Most webdesigners or Bloggers already know about Google Analytics, so I won't go into too greater depth discussing what Google Analytics is.

Up to now, I've laboriously backed up my Blog's HTML code, skimmed line by line until I reached the point where I needed to paste the tracking code into the main body of my Blog. The process was annoying, cumbersome and worrying (what if I made a mistake? -- hence the prior backing up of the code).

Well, according to 'Webmaster' at the Blog "Free Blog things and Blog stuff," there is an easier way!
All you need to do is to add a new gadget in the blogger layout and paste the code in the HTML/Javascript box! 

Please see his Blog post here for further information (as I've only given a basic overview).

Until next time.....

Monday 3 January 2011

A new look

If this is your second visit to our blog, you will have noticed some changes to our layout and presentation. I am constantly trying to improve and refine our look and our service. 

My aim is to provide you, our readers,  with a one-stop shop for all your queries and IT related concerns. After all, computers are here to stay, and they bring their fair  (or should I say, unfair!) share of computer related problems with them. To that end, I strive hard to provide the kind of material in this blog that will help you, the end user. 

It is hoped that the fresh layout will help you find what you need, when you need it that little bit easier. Of course, you can always contact me regarding your computer related query or problem using the contact details here.

 Alternatively, use our contact for a repair form (it doesn't have to be a repair problem) and I'll get back to you.

Sunday 2 January 2011

Backing up your data

How valuable are your pictures to you?

How vauluable is your data...... your business? ...... your college or university course-work you've spent months writing?

What if you lose it all?

especially if you're running Microsoft windows, you are at risk of losing all your data if you encounter hard drive failures, serious system errors, etc.

I'm writing this blog post because, out of 10 people i've visited for computer repairs, 6-9 haven't backed up their data!
I know it's a pain, it takes time and effort to set up. But the rewards are well worth it should there be a serious hard drive failure or the like (believe me, i've had to deal with these issues --- at one point, I was almost unable to retrieve their data! [they didn't back up their data]).

Do you want a simple solution to this necessary chore?

Look out for more on this later this week when I share several pain-free ways to incorporate a simple backup solution for your needs.

Can't wait that long?

please, feel free to email me using Digidoc Repair's contact form and I'll give you help and advice.

Don't delay! ....... you'll save yourself a massive headache in the future (and save lots of anxiety).

Until next time.....