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Tuesday 11 January 2011

How to integrate Google Analytics into Blogger

Info for fellow bloggers

I wanted to share with you a very valuable tip that I've just learned from a Blog post that I've just read. It was entitled "Installing Google Analytics in Blogger."

 Google Analytics is very useful in tracking and recording web traffic (For those who haven't come across this software yet, head on down to Google and check it out! [for more information about the software, check out the help centre here]). 
Most webdesigners or Bloggers already know about Google Analytics, so I won't go into too greater depth discussing what Google Analytics is.

Up to now, I've laboriously backed up my Blog's HTML code, skimmed line by line until I reached the point where I needed to paste the tracking code into the main body of my Blog. The process was annoying, cumbersome and worrying (what if I made a mistake? -- hence the prior backing up of the code).

Well, according to 'Webmaster' at the Blog "Free Blog things and Blog stuff," there is an easier way!
All you need to do is to add a new gadget in the blogger layout and paste the code in the HTML/Javascript box! 

Please see his Blog post here for further information (as I've only given a basic overview).

Until next time.....

Monday 3 January 2011

A new look

If this is your second visit to our blog, you will have noticed some changes to our layout and presentation. I am constantly trying to improve and refine our look and our service. 

My aim is to provide you, our readers,  with a one-stop shop for all your queries and IT related concerns. After all, computers are here to stay, and they bring their fair  (or should I say, unfair!) share of computer related problems with them. To that end, I strive hard to provide the kind of material in this blog that will help you, the end user. 

It is hoped that the fresh layout will help you find what you need, when you need it that little bit easier. Of course, you can always contact me regarding your computer related query or problem using the contact details here.

 Alternatively, use our contact for a repair form (it doesn't have to be a repair problem) and I'll get back to you.

Sunday 2 January 2011

Backing up your data

How valuable are your pictures to you?

How vauluable is your data...... your business? ...... your college or university course-work you've spent months writing?

What if you lose it all?

especially if you're running Microsoft windows, you are at risk of losing all your data if you encounter hard drive failures, serious system errors, etc.

I'm writing this blog post because, out of 10 people i've visited for computer repairs, 6-9 haven't backed up their data!
I know it's a pain, it takes time and effort to set up. But the rewards are well worth it should there be a serious hard drive failure or the like (believe me, i've had to deal with these issues --- at one point, I was almost unable to retrieve their data! [they didn't back up their data]).

Do you want a simple solution to this necessary chore?

Look out for more on this later this week when I share several pain-free ways to incorporate a simple backup solution for your needs.

Can't wait that long?

please, feel free to email me using Digidoc Repair's contact form and I'll give you help and advice.

Don't delay! ....... you'll save yourself a massive headache in the future (and save lots of anxiety).

Until next time.....

Thursday 26 August 2010

A dream site for photographers

Hey all. On my travels, i've discovered an excellent site for would be photographers to earn some money from their shots (or artists earning from their paintings). It is called Redbubble, and i've recently started an account with them.

Basically, if you think your digital shots are worth showcasing and earning a bit of money from them, you can upload and sell your photographs on this site. They take care of all the printing and delivery. You just set the markup price and upload your shots.

Take a look at Redbubble here.

You also have an opportunity to showcase your work through any websites or blogs that you may have. As an example, you may view my products through a widget bellow.

Basically, anyone can purchase your products in the form of postcards, canvasses, prints, posters, etc. They pay the base value + the markup (your take home pay).
If you want to purchase your prints, you just pay the base value.

If you would like to know what the prints turn out like, Redbubble has added a buyer's booth. Individuals who have purchased and liked the products upload the images. Worth checking out.

So far, everything looks interesting and is an excellent idea. Let me know your thoughts.

Saturday 1 May 2010

Winning ebay auctions

Afternoon all,

The other day, I was bidding on ebay for faulty laptops in order to refurbish and sell on. Now, I found a couple of good spec laptops going for a decent price of around £70.00 (devided in two, that was roughly £35 per machine), an excellent bargain. The only trouble was, I bid too early (about a minute before the close) and I ended up missing the boat.

The next auction, I ended up winning the laptop by bidding as the timer reached 5 seconds to the end. Now this led me to thinking that you can win your item, and drive down the price a bit by being a little patient. Wait for around 5 seconds to the end and then bid. You may have more success that way.

I don't claim to be an ebay expert or anything, it's just an observation that i've noticed.

By the way, drop me an email if you are interested in any laptops that have been refurbished. I won't have a huge stock, I only buy and refurbish a few at a time and then quickly sell on.

Unitl next time.......

Thursday 22 April 2010

Outlook Express

I was in the docklands today, having been asked to deal with an outlook issue. The issue was relatively easy to repair, in fact, there was almost nothing to it.

Emails could be sent and received, yet outlook flagged up an error. The email that was sent remained in the outbox and did not drop into the sent emails folder, causing the email client to resend the mail later when 'send / received' mail was clicked.

I must admit, it took a little while before I realised what the issue was. Basically, the sent emails folder was full. Once some of the emails in the folder was transferred to other folders on outlook, the issue was resolved!

Now, suppose you have a full inbox? then you wouldn't be able to receive any emails until its cleared, flagging up an error. The same is true, as noted, with sent emails. If you have the outlook client installed and you use it for emails, make a point of keeping these two folders maintained, moving important mail to selected folders.

Email me if you would like more information on this.

until next time.

Monday 13 July 2009


Welcome to our first official blog post!

Welcome also to Digidoc Repair!

We aim to be your solution to all your IT woes. Certainly, if you check back to our blog often enough, you would get free IT  tips and tricks that will keep your machine going.

First, about us -- We are based in Hackney, East London. We mainly do onsite IT work at this stage, allowing us to deal with your network issues as well as your desktops and laptops or printers that you may have. Visiting your home or business therefore is easier for you. You don't have to come to us and bring us your heavy bulky desktop; and it would be easier to deal with your network issues. It would be impossible to send us your entire network peripherals.

We do from time to time, offer discounts to our loyal customers. Please check our site regularly so that you don't miss out!

Lastly, please contact us with any questions that you may have. You can contact us via email at the following address:

Richard Ray