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Saturday 1 May 2010

Winning ebay auctions

Afternoon all,

The other day, I was bidding on ebay for faulty laptops in order to refurbish and sell on. Now, I found a couple of good spec laptops going for a decent price of around £70.00 (devided in two, that was roughly £35 per machine), an excellent bargain. The only trouble was, I bid too early (about a minute before the close) and I ended up missing the boat.

The next auction, I ended up winning the laptop by bidding as the timer reached 5 seconds to the end. Now this led me to thinking that you can win your item, and drive down the price a bit by being a little patient. Wait for around 5 seconds to the end and then bid. You may have more success that way.

I don't claim to be an ebay expert or anything, it's just an observation that i've noticed.

By the way, drop me an email if you are interested in any laptops that have been refurbished. I won't have a huge stock, I only buy and refurbish a few at a time and then quickly sell on.

Unitl next time.......

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